Checklist for Freshwater fish tank                                                                          

  1. Tank Location. Choose a location away from direct sun, heat vents and air conditioning vents. The ideal location will help determine your aquarium shape and size.
  2. Fish Tank. Choose the shape and size you like. A larger tank is generally easier, as the environment is more stable.  Although smaller tanks are becoming more and more popular they can require just as much care as larger tanks.
  3. Cover & Light. The fish tank cover keeps fish in and airborne pollutants out. The light is in the cover.
  4. Table or Stand to hold your aquarium.  An approved aquarium stand is ideal to place your aquarium on. Choose a table or stand that will easily support your filled aquarium. A gallon of water weights approximately eight pounds, and the tank set-up could weigh anywhere from 10-15lbs per gallon
  5. Filter. A successful aquarium has three types of filtration: mechanical, biological and chemical.
    o Mechanical filtration removes particles from the water.
    o Biological filtration converts fish waste products into nontoxic compounds by using beneficial bacteria.
    o Chemical filtration removes types of dissolved organic compounds from the water and can help with odors and poor clarity.
  6. Air Pump. Pumps provide oxygen in the water. Choose your air pump based on the kind of filter you get.
  7. Plants. Choose from a variety of live and/or artificial plants. Plants add beauty to your tank and your fish with the security of hiding places. If you want to go with live plants you can, you just may have to upgrade your lighting system. Live plants provide oxygen, help water quality and control the growth of algae.
  8. Gravel. Place gravel in the bottom of your tank according to your tank decor. Use one pound of gravel per gallon of tank size. Gravel should be 1 -2 inches deep.  You may need to pre-wash your aquarium gravel before it goes into the aquarium. 
  9. Landscaping Materials. Use material made for aquariums, including ornaments, stones, real or imitation wood, to create a natural environment for your fish.
  10. Water Conditioner. Removes chlorine and heavy metals from your tap water to make it safe for your fish. It also adds electrolytes and reduces fish stress.
  11. Net. Use to place fish in the water or catch fish.
  12. Siphon Hose. Cleans gravel and siphons the water during the monthly 25% water change.
  13. Algae Scraper. Cleans algae off the glass on the inside of the tank.
  14. Thermometer. Choose from various types including floating, standing, stainless steel and liquid crystal thermometers. Water temperature should be maintained between 75 – 80 degrees Fahrenheit for most tropical fish.
  15. Heater. Helps you maintain a constant water temperature in the tank.
  16. Fish Food. Comes in several styles including flakes, pellets, freeze-dried, sun dried and granular. Choose food that is best suited to the types of fish you get.
  17. Tropical Fish. Choose fish that are compatible with each other. After setting up your tank wait at least 24 hours before adding fish. We suggest extremely hardy ammonia/nitrite tolerable fish to begin with.  Then every week thereafter you can introduce more fish just make sure all your water parameter check out ok.